MTSFW is a grassroots, independent, statewide sportsmen and sportswomen organization committed to protecting our hunting, trapping and fishing rights.
MTSFW formed in 2009 as a non-profit 501 (c)(3) incorporated under Montana law when a dedicated group of individuals grew tired of losing ground to the anti-hunting, anti-trapping NGO’s, wolves, and fish and game agencies reluctant to take actions to address problems created by these entities.
We are administered by volunteer officers and directors who use their insight, ingenuity, and personal passion to uphold our mission, member’s interests, and Montana’s rural heritage.
MTSFW stays vigilant on matters that affect our constitutionally protected rights of harvest and engage in legislation, policies or initiatives that threaten them.
We endorse state management of wildlife to create a balanced system, which requires management and control of all predators including bears, wolves, and lions.
We will always support the values of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and the regulated harvest of renewable wildlife resources.

Montana Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife
Email: sfwmontana@gmail.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2243
Missoula, MT 59806